defloration is playable for 17 points
deflation defoliant frontload
interfold floriated reflation
foreland inflated infolder
deflator flatiron foliated foretold inflater inflator roofline aerofoil floatier delation dialtone
doornail trinodal arointed deration
idolater idolator ordinate oriental rationed ratooned relation tailored tandoori toroidal
flinder flinted fondler onefold tenfold defiant fainted flirted floated flooder floored folioed footled fordone frontal fronted indraft inflate reflood telford trifled trifold fainter floater floreat
foliate footler loftier refloat trefoil eidolon footier
ladrone landtie
enfold fondle infold afield aflood
failed fantod fardel finale finder flared flited florid florin foaled foiled foined folder fonder fontal fooled friend lifted loafed lofted olefin redfin refind refold rifled rolfed adrift dafter doofer failte
delft elfin felid felon field fiend filed final fined flied flint flood frond aloft aloof defat draft drift fader faint fared farle
fated feint feral fetal fetid filar filer filet finer fiord fired fitna flair
delf fend find flan fled fold fond alef alif daft deaf defi
deft fade fado fail fain fale
fane fano fard farl feal felo
felt feod fern fide
fido fila file filo fine fino firn
def dif elf fad fan fed fen fid fil fin flo fon nef aft arf eft erf far fat fer fet fie fir fit foe foo for fro oaf oft oof orf ref rif and
ef fa fe fi if of ad al an da de do ed el en id in la li lo na ne no od on ae ai ar at eo er et io it oe
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