dehydration is playable for 18 points
anhydride anhydrite hydration arytenoid
hydrated hyoidean threnody anothery
dihedron thyreoid
additory antherid
aroynted antihero ordained trendoid arointed deration
ordinate rationed
athodyd hydatid hydrant hydride hydroid hyenoid dithery hayride hydrate hydriae
thready thyroid yandied anthoid dentary diehard handier hoarded hordein tardyon thorned throned tindery adenoid adorned airthed
android another dandier dentoid dietary donated drained hairnet inearth
hoyden hydrid
deathy dynode dynoed
handed hidden hodden hoddin
hydrae hydria rhyton thorny dainty dehorn denary drayed
earthy hadron hanted
harden hardon
hearty hinder hinted hoiden honied horded
horned noyade oddity theory trendy yarded yarned
handy dandy hardy hayed heady henry honey hoyed hydra hydro hyena hyoid neddy noddy theyd
dhoni doyen dryad haded hairy handi hayer
hided hoary hodad honda honed nerdy randy reddy rhyta teddy tiddy
toddy tyned
yodh addy ahoy deny didy dyad dyed dyne dyno eddy hand hind hiya hoya hyte rynd they yeah yond ahed
ayin dahi
dory doth doty dray drey dyer hade haed
hant hard head
hay hey hoy thy yah yeh any dah day dey doh dry dye edh had hed hen hid hin hod hon nah nay noh nth yen yin yod yon add ahi and aye dad dan
ah ay eh ha he hi ho oh oy ya ye yi yo ad an da de do ed en id in na ne no od on ae ai ar at eo er et io
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