dextrorotation is playable for 23 points
exodontia extortion detonator rattooned retortion trattorie
antidote arointed attorned deration
dotation intorted nitrated ordainer ordinate rationed ratooned reordain tandoori tetanoid adroiter anterior attrited nitrator ratooner
rotation tattooed tentoria teratoid titrated toreador traditor oratorio tattooer titrator
dextran dextrin dioxane oxidant exordia
oxidate oratrix tortrix adorner aneroid antired detrain diatron
donator drainer notated odonate odorant randier readorn tainted tandoor tornado trained trident arnotto attired dottier intreat iterant nattier nitrate notator oration
dextro exodoi
extant nitrox taxied toxine toxoid extort taxite
ardent atoned attend darner detain dinero donate droner errand indoor inroad ironed nardoo onroad
ordain orenda rained ranted readin rident rodent tienda
tinder tinted trined
index nixed axion axone detox doxie
nixer oxide radix raxed redox taxed taxon toxin xenia axite
extra ixora oxter retax taxer texta adorn anode anted danio denar dinar diner doner donor doona drain drone ident
axed axon exon next nixe oxen oxid exit oxer taxi text darn dean deni dent dine dino dint dona done nard nerd nide node nodi
rand rend rind rond
tend adit aeon aide aint airn
dex dox nix axe oxo rax rex tax and dan den din don end ned nod ado aid ain ane ani ant dai der die dit doe dor dot eon ern ide ion itd
ax ex ox xi ad an da de do ed en id in na ne no od on ae ai ar at eo er et io it oe oi oo or re ta te ti
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