diaphoretic is playable for 20 points
aperiodic patricide pediatric peridotic
podiatric atrophied charioted
aphicide atrophic chapiter patchier phoretic phreatic pitchier poachier
depictor dioptric epidotic periodic picrated
aporetic chordate hidrotic operatic periotic tracheid trichoid trophied hieratic ceratoid raticide
chirped edaphic parched patched pitched poached pochard porched
aphetic aphotic chapter hepatic ophitic patcher pitcher poacher potiche repatch trophic coapted
parodic peracid percoid picador picoted
predict apricot aprotic cathode chaired charted choired
ditcher ectopia
carhop ceriph cheapo cipher coprah
eparch haptic hepcat orphic phatic photic pitchi
preach adipic carped copied craped depict percid priced redcap arched atopic capote captor carpet cartop chador chadri chared chider chored cohead
copier copita
chape chapt cheap chirp epoch parch patch peach perch pichi
pitch poach porch potch caped coped paced ached adhoc
aphid caper capot capri carpe
carpi chard chide chord coapt coper copra crape crept cripe deoch
caph chap chip chop pech cape capo carp chad chid cope crap crop epic pace pact pica pice ache arch chai char chat chia chit choi
each echo echt epha etch harp heap herp hope
cap cep cop pac pec pic ach cha chi hac hap hep hic hip hoc
hop ich och pah peh phi pho pht poh tch cad cod dap dip doc dop pad ped pod ace
op pa pe pi po ah eh ha he hi ho oh ad da de do ed id od ae ai ar at eo er et io it oe oi or re ta te ti
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