distance is playable for 13 points
Unscramble DISTANCE
candies decants descant discant incased scanted acetins
cineast dacites diecast destain detains instead sainted satined
stained tiendas
ascend cadent canids canted dances decani decans
decant nicads
acetin actins antics ascent cadets casein centas dacite dicast edicts enacts enatic incase incest insect nastic nicest secant stance detain idents sained standi
teinds tienda
acned caned canid cnida dance decan nicad scend acids acnes acted actin antic asdic cades cadet cadis caids cains
canes canst canti
cants cased cedis cents cines
cited daces dices dicta ecads
edict enact incas
aced acid acne cade cadi cads caid cain cane cans cant cedi cent cine dace dice disc ecad
iced inca nice scad scan aces acts asci case cast cate cats cist cite etic ices scat
cad can ace act cat cis ice sac sec sic tic and dan den din end ned ads aid ain ane ani ant dai die dis dit ens ide ids ins itd
nae nai
ad an da de ed en id in na ne ae ai as at es et is it si ta te ti
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