doctrinaire is playable for 16 points
coriander direction indicator redaction criterion irridenta
acridine actinide actinoid actioned cartoned
catenoid centroid ctenidia diatonic dicentra doctrine indicate indicter indictor indirect notecard rancored
reindict tornadic actioner anoretic
ceratoid creation creditor director raticide
reaction redactor retinoic tricorne criteria arointed daintier deration
cairned codeina
conidia crinoid ctenoid deontic diction dineric dracone identic incited noticed tacnode tranced aconite acrider carnier
carotid carotin carried carrion ceratin
certain citrine cointer
cordate cordite cornier corrade corrida cortina creatin crinite dictier
acnode anodic cadent candor canoed canted cedarn cinder codein
coined corned craned dancer deacon decani decant docent indict nacred
nordic rancid acetin action aeonic aircon
atonic canoer canter cantor carder cardie cardio caried carnet carnie
acned cando
caned canid cnida coden
coned dance decan nicad acini acorn acred acrid acted actin antic arced cadet cadre caird cairn caner canoe canti
canto cardi cared carne
cedar cento cider cited coder conte
aced acid acne cade cadi caid cain cane cant card carn cedi cent cine cion coda code coed coin cone coni
cord corn cran cred cron
dace deco dice ecad
iced icon inca narc nice
cad can cod con doc ace act arc car cat cor cot eco ice oca orc rec roc tic and dan den din don end ned nod ado aid ain ane ani ant dai der
ad an da de do ed en id in na ne no od on ae ai ar at eo er et io it oe oi or re ta te ti to
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