doublethink is playable for 24 points
elkhound unbolted unilobed
bethink blinked budlike
boinked inkblot thunked tublike hotlink hutlike blunted holibut knouted nutlike tinkled unlobed bedouin blondie botulin boulted
doublet diluent hideout hotline lithoed
neolith unoiled elution lentoid lineout
outline toluide
bohunk bulked bunked debunk bilked bodkin bolked
bonked hulked beknot
honked behind behold bundle delink kidult kilned kindle kithed
linked thinko unlike beduin bindle blithe blonde boudin bunted butled
double henbit hotbed keloid
blink bokeh bunko biked bloke boink boked
thunk hiked hoked kohen nuked think blend blind blond blued blunt bound build bundt butoh deink dhobi inked inkle kendo kithe knelt knout liked liken lubed unbid bidon
bulk bunk bilk bolk bonk hulk hunk khud knob bike boke buhl dunk holk honk kibe kohl kund
lunk bhut
bund dink duke hike hoke hoki khet
kiln kind kith kudo kune
link neuk
kob hok hub khi bud bun dub elk hob ilk ink ked ken kid kin kue
lek nek
nub uke bed bel ben bid bin bod bon but deb dhu
dib dob duh hun kit
ki ok be bi bo uh eh he hi ho nu oh un de do ed el en id in li lo ne no od on ou ut eo et io it oe oi te
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