downhearted is playable for 19 points
handwrote towheaded downrated dethroned
headword wandered waterhen wondered wreathed wreathen adherend danewort dehorned downrate hardened teardown adherent dehorted dethrone headnote neatherd threaded threnode
drowned endowed nowhere thrawed
towhead wheaten whereon worthed wrathed dowered endower headend reendow weather whateer
whereat whereto wreathe adhered dewater hoarded oarweed redhead tarweed thorned throned towered watered adorned another denoted donated earthed earthen hearted
dawned downed drownd thawed thewed thrawn thrown wended whored andrew dawted deewan
downer dowted
handed hodden howeer
onward thawer
towhee wadder
wander wanted warded warden warned weaned wedder
wether whoeer
woaded wonder wonted worded wreath
hawed hewed wheen adown awned dawed dawen
dewan dewed dowed drawn drown endow hewer nowed owned rowth
threw throw waded waned whare wheat where whore whort worth wrath wroth dewar dower haded hodad honda
dhow hewn hwan when whod
dawn dowd down hawt howe thaw thew wand wend what whee whet whoa anew awed dawt dowt
draw drew enow hand newt nowt owed town wade wane want ward warn
haw hew how wah wha who awn daw dew dow naw new now own wad wan wed wen won awe dah doh edh ewe had hed hen hod hon nah noh nth owe owt raw
aw ew ow we wo ah eh ha he ho oh ad an da de do ed en na ne no od on ae ar at ee eo er et oe or re ta te
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