electrochromic is playable for 29 points
coccolith cerecloth chlorotic crocheter trichrome telomeric
cromlech coelomic colemice
eclectic choleric hemocoel chromite comether
hermetic homeotic ricochet trichome comelier electric recircle chlorite chortler clothier crocoite heirloom homelier meteoric morticer
reclothe chertier
rhetoric torchere
torchier motelier
recoiler tricolor hotelier orometer
chromic chloric cometic chimere choicer choreic cochere
crochet ecorche moocher thermic circler circlet coelome
telecom telomic
cerotic chortle cicoree
coercer coerect
correct emocore mortice motoric orectic thermel
trochil cheerio cheroot coherer erethic etheric heretic
chemic chicle cholic cliche cloche holmic
moloch chicer chimer choice choric chrome chromo cometh creche crotch echoic hectic circle cleome cleric coelom cormel cermet choler cicero clothe coerce coolth cretic emetic helmer helmet lecher lichee
cocci comic milch chemo chico chime chirm choom
cooch cotch hemic merch miche mirch
mitch mooch ohmic celom clime colic melic cerci ceric ceroc
chiel chile choil choli cloth comer comet comte creme crime croci
chic coco come corm crim croc emic helm holm lech lich loch mice chit choi
coho eche echo echt etch heme hemi herm home itch meth moth oche rich tech them tich ceil celt cirl
mic moc chi hem hic him hoc
hom ich meh mho och ohm tch cel col elm mel mil mol olm cee coo cor cot eco eme emo ice mer met mir moi moo mor
hm em me mi mo om eh he hi ho oh el li lo ee eo er et io it oe oi oo or re te ti to
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