electrophilic is playable for 26 points
proclitic cerecloth chloritic plethoric recollect
picocell ecliptic prechill
chipotle choleric helicopt hoplitic
elliptic herpetic orchitic
phoretic pitchier ricochet teichoic chillier clitoric electric leprotic licorice perlitic petrolic policier chlorite clothier eolithic heliport herptile periotic reclothe trochili
eolipile elicitor hotelier
circlip chloric ectopic choicer choreic cicheti
collect crochet ecorche ophitic pitcher potiche trophic chiller circlet colitic hilltop pelitic
peloric politic prelect cerotic chortle cicoree
epeiric hoplite icteric orectic philter philtre picotee picrite receipt
chicle cholic cliche cloche pectic picric ceriph chicer choice choric cipher creche crotch echoic hectic orphic photic pitchi
chilli cilice circle cleric clitic icicle police choler cicero citric clothe coerce copier copter cretic critic helper
cheep chico chirp cotch epoch perch pichi
pitch porch potch chill clepe clept clipt colic cerci ceric ceroc
chiel chile chili choil choli cloth coper creep crepe crept cripe croci ictic leech letch lichi licht
chic chip chop pech clip clop cepe cope croc crop epic help holp lech lich loch pice cell chit choi
cill eche echo echt etch herp hope itch oche phot pill pith poll rich tech
cep cop pec pic chi hep hic hip hoc
hop ich och peh phi pho pht poh tch cel col lip lop pol cee cor cot eco ice ope opt orc pee per pet pie
op pe pi po eh he hi ho oh el li lo ee eo er et io it oe oi or re te ti to
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