enthusiast is playable for 14 points
anthesis hesitant hiatuses shanties sheitans
sthenias atheists hastiest nutsiest
sinuates staithes tautness unstates
antsiest instates nastiest satinets situates titaness
sunhats hastens hessian shantis
shiatsu sithens snathes
sthenia stushie
tushies ashiest atheist attunes aunties issuant nutates
sinuate staithe sustain tautens tetanus theists tutsans unseats unstate autists entasis instate nasties satinet sestina
haunts hausen shunts sunhat unhats
ashine hanses hasten heiaus hentai hiatus hutias
nashis shanti
shines shutes snathe snaths tenths thanes theins
tushes tushie tussah tusseh
ashets attune auntie hastes heists nutate saithe shiest shites
haunt hunts shuns shunt unhat ashen hanse hants hasnt
haute heiau hents
hints huias huies
hutia nashi neath shant shent shine shins shute shuts sinhs
snash snath stush sushi tenth thane thein thens
thine thins
huns hunt shun haen
hant haut hens hent hins
hint hisn hues huia huis
huss huts nesh shen
shin shui
shut sinh suhs
than then thin thus tush ahis aunt eath eish eths haes
hun hen hin hue hui hut nah nth suh ahi ahs ash eth hae hai has hat hes
het hie his hit nus nut sha she shi sun the tun uan
uni uns ain ane
uh ah eh ha he hi nu sh un an en in na ne us ut ae ai as at es et is it si ta te ti
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