ethanolamine is playable for 20 points
anthemion enanthema malathion alinement lineament melatonin anthelion emanation
methanal methanol anthemia haematin hatemail
hematein hematine limonene mannitol melanian minneola nonmetal antimale inhalant laminate malonate melanite nominate anethole anthelia halation metanoia national neonatal nonelite alienate
hemline manhole menthol nonheme hematal
hematin hemiola lineman linemen mahonia manihot melanin methane nominal thalami ailment aliment anemone antiman eminent enamine laminae lomenta mannite matinal melaena mention montane nominee nonmeat omental telamon teleman
amentia amniote
anthem haemal haemin hamlet helmet hetman hetmen
hiemal hitman hitmen mahant maltha menthe
amnion animal athame enamel hamate lament lamina lomein
loment maline manila mannie mantel mantle melena melton menial mental moline molten
almah almeh halma hamal hamel
hemal hemin holme mahal mohel month homie leman lemon liman limen mahoe manna melon methi metho monal nomen theme alamo amain ament amine amino amnia amnio amole anima anime atman
halm helm holm ahem amah haem hame heme hemi homa
home limn maha math meth moth them alma alme amen amin
lama lame lima lime limo loam mail main mala male mali malt mana mane
ham hem him hom meh mho ohm elm lam man mel men mil mol mon nam nem
nim nom olm aim ama ami eme emo hen hin hon lah maa mae mai mat mea
hm am em ma me mi mo om ah eh ha he hi ho oh al an el en in la li lo na ne no on aa ae ai at ee eo et io
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