exceptional is playable for 26 points
exception explicate exoplanet pleonexia
cineplex exaction pixelate conepatl leptonic pentacle platonic conepate patience poetical antelope antipole election noetical petaline tapeline
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except expect claxon anoxic axenic axonic exonic lexica oxalic poleax ecotax excite exotic alexin xenial caplin exalte
oxtail pencel pencil toxine apneic caplet catnip epical incept opanci
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capon clapt clepe clept clipt copal copen
exeat panic
calx plex apex coax coxa exec expo opex oxic axel axil axle axon exon ilex next nixe oxen capn
clap clip clop exit taxi cape capo cepe cope epic pace pact pica pice clan clon
cox pax pix pox lax lex lox nix axe tax cap cep cop pac pec pic alp can cel col con lac lap lip lop nap nip pal pan pen pin pol ace act ape
ax ex ox xi op pa pe pi po al an el en in la li lo na ne no on ae ai at ee eo et io it oe oi ta te ti to
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