extraordinary is playable for 24 points
anorexia aroynted intraday ordinary errantry antidora arointed deration
narrated ordainer ordinate rationed reordain adroiter aeration anterior narrater narrator radiator torrider
anxiety dextran dextrin dioxane oxidant exordia
oxidate oratrix dentary reynard tanyard tardyon tindery arrayed dietary ternary trinary adorner aneroid antired araneid arrayer detrain diatron
drainer radiant randier readorn retiary trained airdate narrate radiate
adnexa dioxan
anoxia dextro nitrox taxied toxine dainty denary noyade trendy yarned yonder aroynt datary dreary dryrot
notary ornery ratany
yantra yarner
yarran yirred
adnate ardent artery atoned darner detain dinero donate droner
deoxy ixnay ataxy index nixed axion axone detox doxie
nixer oxide radix raxed redox taxed taxon toxin xenia xoana axite
extra ixora oxter retax taxer dayan
doyen nerdy randy tyned
adyta atony dairy deary deity
dexy doxy nixy onyx oryx axed axon exon next nixe oxen oxid exit oxer taxa taxi deny dyne dyno rynd yond ayin diya
dory doty dray drey dyer nary onya
tidy tiny tody tony tyin
oxy dex dox nix axe rax rex tax any day dey dry dye nay yen yin yod yon and aye dan den din don end ned nod ray rya rye toy try tye yar yea
ax ex ox xi ay oy ya ye yi yo ad an da de do ed en id in na ne no od on aa ae ai ar at eo er et io it oe
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