feathercut is playable for 19 points
catheter charette
fetcher facture furcate chatter cheater feather hectare ratchet recheat reteach teacher terefah thecate curette curtate feature tartufe
theater theatre thereat
chafer fratch faucet furcae
euchre facete reface refect etcher father hafter hefter
rachet thecae trefah acuter curate cutter refute tufter afreet cerate cetera
create ecarte fatter feater fetter tercet aether hatter heater hereat reheat tether
chufa chafe fetch cruft furca
chute craft facer facet farce ruche teuch
chare chart cheat cheer chert ratch reach retch tache teach theca theft acute cruet curet cuter eruct faute
feuar recue
recut truce after
chef curf
cafe face fact ache arch char chat each eche echt etch haft heft tach tech cure curt cute ecru faut
tufa tuft turf acer acre care cart cate cere cete erhu fare fart
ach cha fah feh hac tch cru cue cur cut ecu feu fur ace act aft arc arf car cat cee eft erf far fat fee fer fet hue hut rec ref eth hae hat
fu ef fa fe uh ah eh ha he ut ae ar at ee er et re ta te
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