fractionate is playable for 18 points
fornicate carnotite cortinate
confetti fraction infector artefact artifact trifecta actioner anoretic
carinate contrate contrite cornetti
craniate creation fetation interact raincoat reactant reaction taconite traction aeration attainer reattain tentoria
conifer faction fanatic fancier frantic infarct infract acarine aconite anticar antifat carinae carotin cateran ceratin
certain cittern cointer
cornett cortina creatin crottin enactor fainter intacta
nictate noticer ocarina octrain
tacrine taction tantric tetanic tonetic
caftan confer confit fiance franca
infect carafe factor farcie
fiacre acetin acinar actant action aeonic aircon
arcane arctan arnica atonic canoer canter cantor carina carnet carnie carton catena cation centra citron coiner contra cornea
finca franc craft croft facer facet facia facie
facto farce farci ficta
force acorn actin antic cairn caner canoe canti
canto carne
cento conte cotan
crane crone enact faena faint feint finer fitna frena
cafe coft
coif corf face fact fice fico foci acne cain cane cant carn cent cine cion coin cone coni
corn cran cron
fain fane fano fern fine fino firn foin fone font icon inca
can con fan fen fin fon nef ace act aft arc arf car cat cor cot eco eft erf far fat fer fet fie fir fit foe for fro ice oaf oca oft orc orf
ef fa fe fi if of an en in na ne no on aa ae ai ar at eo er et io it oe oi or re ta te ti to
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