franchise is playable for 18 points
Unscramble FRANCHISE
fanciers francise
finches chafers fraiche
fancier fancies fascine fiances archine chaines chenars
chinars farcies
fiacres nichers
ranches richens cahiers
cashier arcsine arsenic carnies infares hernias nearish
french chafer chafes chiefs fiches fiance fincas
francs chaine chains chenar
chinar chinas chines
encash enrich facers facies farces farcie
fiacre hances inarch inches naches nicher
niches richen achier afresh arches cahier chairs chaise chares
finch chafe chefs chief fiche finca franc cafes chain china chine chins facer faces facie
farce farci fices hance niche ranch scarf aches chair chare chars chase chias
crash ecash
fresh hafis
reach riche sheaf
chef cafe chin face fice fisc inch nach
ache arch cash chai char chia chis each fash fehs
fish ichs rich sich acne cain cane cans carn cine cran fain fane fans fens fern fine
ach cha chi fah feh hac hic ich can fan fen fin nef ace arc arf car cis efs erf far fas fer fie fir hen hin ice ifs nah rec ref rif sac sec
ef fa fe fi if ah eh ha he hi sh an en in na ne ae ai ar as er es is re si
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