gestation is playable for 12 points
Unscramble GESTATION
tangiest toasting goatiest
agonies agonise agonist easting eatings genista gitanos
ingates ingesta onstage seating setting sotting stating tagines tangoes tasting teasing testing egotist atonies
instate notates satinet station tientos
toniest oatiest
agents agnise agones easing eating gainst genoas giants gitano
gotten ingate ingest ingots ngaios sating signet soigne stinge stingo tagine tangis
tangos tasing teaing tigons tinges toeing tongas toting ageist egoist stogie togate atones notate
agent agone agons angst gains geans genoa gents giant gnats gonia ingot ngaio segni
segno sengi singe stang sting tangi
tango tangs tigon tinge tings tonga tongs aegis agios agist gaits gates getas
gites goats
agin agon engs gaen gain gane gean gena gens gent gien gins gnat gone nags nogs sang sign sing snag snig snog song tang ting tong ages agio egis egos gaes
gait gast gate gats
eng gan gen gin nag nog age ago ego gae gas gat geo get gie gis git goa got sag tag teg tig tog ain ane ani ant ens eon ins ion nae nai
ag gi go an en in na ne no on ae ai as at eo es et io is it oe oi os si so ta te ti to
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