glaucophane is playable for 24 points
changeup cephalon phalange eulachan
eulachon analogue
chalupa planche acaleph chapeau cleanup epochal panache panocha panoche
capelan copulae ganache gouache cagoule chalone coagula
congeal guanaco apogeal apogean apolune canulae choanae halogen haulage lacunae apnoeal leguaan
paunch planch plench
chapel cleugh
clough hangup
pleach plough apache change cheapo clunge
copula couple culpae
cupola gauche gaucho glucan launch nuchal plunge pounce pungle unclog cahoun
canape cangue cohune glance hangul holpen
punch gulch pouch chaap
chang chape cheap clung cough cupel epoch lunch pacha peach poach uncap capon clang copal copen
coupe nucha pecan phage place ponce punga
unpeg aleph alpha ancho apace chana chela conga
caph chap chop chug pech pugh capn
clap clop coup gulp pacu plug puce pung cape capo chal
chon clag cleg clog cope glop hapu
help holp hung lech loch nach
ouch ouph
cup cap cep cop hup pac pec pug ach cha cog gap hac hap hep hoc
hop hug och pah peg peh pho poh pul pun ugh alp can cel col con cue ecu gah
up op pa pe po uh ag ah eh go ha he ho nu oh un al an el en la lo na ne no on ou aa ae eo oe
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