grapeshot is playable for 16 points
Unscramble GRAPESHOT
portages potagers shortage
gophers gestapo pargets phorate portage postage potager potages
pothers ragtops strophe teashop tephras thorpes threaps
gathers gheraos hostage esparto proteas seaport earshot garotes orgeats storage toerags
gopher graphs phages ephors gapers gasper grapes gropes hopers pagers parges parget pargos
pathos pharos phaser phasor phrase posher potage potash pother ragtop raphes seraph shaper sherpa sparge spathe tephra teraph thorpe thorps threap tophes
graph phage ephas ephor gaper gapes gorps
grape grasp grope harps heaps herps hoper hopes opahs pager pages parge pargo
paths peags
pegos phare phase phots progs raphe shape sharp sprag sprog staph thesp thorp
epha gape gaps gasp gorp haps harp hasp heap heps herp hope hops opah page pash path peag pego pegs pehs
phat phos phot posh prog shop soph spag toph argh gash ghat gosh goth
gap hap hep hop pah peg peh pho pht poh gah hag hog ape apt asp ope ops opt par pas pat pea per pes pet pos pot pre pro rap rep sap sop spa
op pa pe po ag ah eh go ha he ho oh sh ae ar as at eo er es et oe or os re so ta te to
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