greenwashing is playable for 23 points
greenwash rehanging rewashing answering waggeries gangrenes greenings garnishee
whanging gnawings gnashing hangings shrewing wagering whangees whangers
whingers renewing reweighs warnings weighers angering enraging gangrene greening reneging resawing
resewing sewering shaggier sheening sherwani swearing agreeing engagers gearings greasing greenish hearings hearsing rehinges shagreen shearing
gnawing waggish hanging shawing
shewing swaging washing whangee whanger
whinger whinges awnings gashing geegaws reweigh snawing
swagger swaggie waggers warning weaning weening weigher wennish genseng
ginseng gnawers ranging swinger wahines
wearing wherein whiners wingers ageings
hawing hewing waging whangs whinge aweigh awning geegaw wagger waning weighs aweing
gnawer haggis newish sawing sewing swinge wahine waring weeing wheens whenas whiner whines wigans
winger wrangs
wrings ageing agings ashing earwig engage gaeing
whang gnawn weigh whigs awing gighe
gnaws ngwee shawn shewn swang swing wheen whens whine whins wigan wings wrang wring aging ahing
gangs gnash hangi hangs hawse henge hewer hinge neigh nighs
sheng shrew
whig gnaw hewn hwan when whin wing gang grew hang haws hews nigh shaw shew shwa
swag swig wage wags wash whee whir wigs wish anew argh awns eggs gage gags gash ghee ghis
haw hew wag wah wha wig awn egg gag gah ghi gig hag igg naw new wan wen win awe eng ewe gan gen gin hen hin nag nah raw saw sew wae war was
aw ew we ag ah eh gi ha he hi sh an en in na ne ae ai ar as ee er es is re si
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