headfirst is playable for 15 points
Unscramble HEADFIRST
faithed redfish shafted shifted fathers hafters ratfish shafter
shifter farside strafed airshed airthed
dashier dearths dithers fairest hardest hardies
hatreds redhats
shadier shirted threads trashed hastier aridest astride diaster disrate staider tardies tirades
fashed fished hafted afresh faiths father fetish firths fisher friths hafter sharif sherif shrift trefah adrift dafter defats drafts drifts faders faired farted fasted fisted rafted rifted sifted afrits afters dasher dearth deaths dither faster
faith firth fresh frith hafis
hafts hefts shaft sheaf shift thief defat defis
draft drift fader fades fards
fared fated fetid fides fired fried afire afrit after ashed dahis
dashi deash
death deshi faire fairs
fash fehs
fish haft heft daft deaf defi
deft difs fade fads fard feds fide
fids ahed
dahs dash desh
dish edhs
efts erfs fair fait fare fart fast fate fats fear feat
fah feh def dif fad fed fid aft arf dah edh efs eft erf far fas fat fer fet fie fir fit had hed hid ifs ref rif ahi ahs ash eth hae hai has
ef fa fe fi if ah eh ha he hi sh ad da de ed id ae ai ar as at er es et is it re si ta te ti
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