heliolatry is playable for 16 points
earthily heartily rhyolite lyretail aerolith
lithely loathly tallyho aliyoth
earthly helotry hoarily hyalite lathery alertly loyaler
thiller trolley airhole irately lathier loather orality rathole reality tearily literal litoral lorilet
reallot tallier
holily theyll
hyetal earthy hallot
hearty hiller
hilloa holler lately lealty lethal orally rallye
really thalli theory thrall thrill tilley
trolly aerily aliyot artily elytra eolith hailer halier halite halter harlot hirola holier lather liroth
helly hilly holly ethyl holey hotly hoyle lathy alley alloy hairy hallo hayer
hella hello hillo hoary holla loyal rally rhyta tally telly thill tolyl yirth
altho early haler haole helio helot hilar horal hotel
holy hyla ahoy ally hall hell hill hiya hoya hyte illy lily they yall
yeah yell yill
aryl elhi hail hale halo halt harl heal helo herl hila hilt hole holt lath lehr lory loth
hay hey hoy thy yah yeh lah lay ley lye ahi all aye ell eth hae hai hao hat her het hie hit hoe hoi hot ill rah ray rho rya rye the tho toy
ah ay eh ha he hi ho oh oy ya ye yi yo al el la li lo ae ai ar at eo er et io it oe oi or re ta te ti to
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