heliostat is playable for 12 points
Unscramble HELIOSTAT
eoliths halites heliast
holiest hostile hotlist lateish lithest lithoes
loathes stealth thistle atheist hotseat
hotties staithe altoist isolate litotes salotti
toilets oatiest
eolith halest halite haloes haoles haslet helios helots holies holist hostel hotels isohel lathes lathis latish lithos
loathe lotahs sheila shelta shtetl tahsil tehsil thalis thiols tholes tilths hottie saithe theist thetas tithes latest lattes
altho hails hales halos halts haole heals helio helos helot hilts holes holts hosel hotel laith
lathe lathi laths leash lithe litho loath lotah selah shale shalt sheal sheol shiel shoal sloth thale
thali thiol
elhi hail hale halo halt heal helo hila hilt hole hols holt lash lath loth ahis eath eish eths haes
haet hast hate hats heat hest hets hies hist hits hoes hose host hote hots
lah ahi ahs ash eth hae hai hao has hat hes
het hie his hit hoe hoi hos hot ohs sha she shi sho soh the tho ail ale als alt els las lat lea
ah eh ha he hi ho oh sh al el la li lo ae ai as at eo es et io is it oe oi os si so ta te ti to
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