hellacious is playable for 18 points
halluces challies
eusocial localise
challis chollas helical lochial shellac callous cullies loaches locules ocellus scholia callose collies hulloas
locales celosia halloes
chills cholla louche slouch callus chelas
chiaus chiels chiles chisel choils cholas
cholis chouse cullis heliac laches laichs
liches lochia locule loculi ouches sulcal aculei caules
caulis cellos chaise clause coleus collie coulis hulloa
chill schul chals
chela chiel chile choil choli clash cuish culls hocus laich
leach loach lochs sauch
scull aches ahull aulic calls cauls cella celli cello cells chaos chase chiao
chose cills clous
cull huic
lech lich loch ouch such ache call cash caul cell chai chia chis choi
cill clou
clue cosh each echo hull ichs luce oche sich alec calo
ceil cels coal coil cola
ach cha chi hac hic hoc
ich och cel col cue ecu lac ace cis cos eco hue hui ice lah oca ohu sac sec sic soc suh ahi ahs all ash ell hae hai
uh ah eh ha he hi ho oh sh al el la li lo ou us ae ai as eo es io is oe oi os si so
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