hemipteran is playable for 19 points
hemipter teraphim pentamer permeant peterman earthmen hematein hematine nephrite perianth theremin trephine antimere aperient herniate
prename emptier epimera haptene
harmine hematin heparin heptane methane panther phenate primate tempera preheat prithee thermae etamine matinee meranti minaret painter perinea pertain raiment repaint earthen emerita emirate hairnet hearten herniae inearth meatier neither
hempen empath hamper hempie
imphee tempeh apemen pieman piemen pitman pitmen preman
ampere anthem armpit empire epimer haemin hapten harmin
hatpin hetman hetmen
hitman hitmen impart menhir menthe
metepa mithan
peahen permit premie
hemin prima prime remap tempi tramp harem herma ihram methi mirth phare raphe rehem rheme tharm theme therm thrip ament amine anime enema inapt inarm
inept manie
matin meant menta minae miner namer neper paint
hemp meep perm pima pram prim ramp tamp temp ahem epha haem hame harm harp heap heme hemi herm herp math meth path phat pith them amen amin
main mane mean mein
mien mina mine
amp imp map pam ham hap hem hep him hip meh pah peh phi pht man men nam nap nem
nim nip pan pen pin aim ami ape apt arm eme hen hin mae mai
hm am em ma me mi pa pe pi ah eh ha he hi an en in na ne ae ai ar at ee er et it re ta te ti
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