hereabouts is playable for 16 points
breathes rheobase saboteur tuberose arthouse outhears
beshout tarbush
bashert bathers berthas bothers breathe breaths sherbet abortus arbutes
obtuser robusta rubatos tabours aerobes authors beaters berates boaster boaters borates outhear
rebates rebatos rehouse shouter sorbate souther aethers earshot heaters heteros reheats
busher abhors basher bather bathes bathos behest bertha berths boheas
borsht bother breath broths herbes
obeahs rehabs throbs abuser arbute beauts bourse brutes burets bursae bustee buster buteos obtuse rebuts robust rubato tabour tubers turbos
bahus bhuts
brush buhrs
butoh shrub subah abhor bahts basho bathe baths berth beths
bohea brash broth herbs obeah rehab thebe throb about abuse abuts beaus beaut bouse bouts brute buras
buret bursa burse burst
bahu bhut
buhr bush habu
hubs baht bash bath beth bosh both brah herb hobs abut beau bout brut bura
burs bust bute buts rube rubs stub suba tabu tuba tube tubs urbe
urbs abet
hub bah hob bur bus but rub sub tub urb
abs arb bae bar bas bat bee bet boa bos bot bra bro hue hut oba obe ohu orb reb rob sab sob suh tab
ab ba be bo uh ah eh ha he ho oh sh ou us ut ae ar as at ee eo er es et oe or os re so ta te to
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