heretical is playable for 15 points
Unscramble HERETICAL
aetheric hetaeric
alethic charlie chelate ethical leacher
cheater erethic etheric hectare heretic recheat reteach teacher techier theriac article recital reticle tiercel treacle haltere lathier leather atelier etailer
archil chalet chelae chiral chital
heliac lecher lichee thecal achier cahier cither etcher rachet techie thecae thrice alerce atelic cartel ceiler
cereal citral claret eclair lacier rectal relace relict rictal tercel cerate cerite cetera
chela chiel chile laich
larch latch leach leech letch licht aitch chair chare chart cheat cheer chert ethic ratch reach retch riche tache tachi
teach theca carle clair clart clear cleat creel eclat elect ictal
lech lich ache arch chai char chat chia chit each eche echt etch itch rich tach tech tich alec carl ceil celt cirl lace laic lice talc acer acre care cart cate cere cete
ach cha chi hac hic ich tch cel lac ace act arc car cat cee ice lah rec tic ahi eth hae hai hat her het hie hit rah the ail ale alt eel lar
ah eh ha he hi al el la li ae ai ar at ee er et it re ta te ti
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