heteronomous is playable for 19 points
houseroom outhomers
monoester sonometer
housemen hormones horsemen moonshot moorhens mouthers
smoothen enormous mounters muenster remounts resmooth resthome
routemen smoother theorems hereunto mesotron monteros
outshone southern southron storemen honester honorees outsnore
hormone moorhen mouther mothers mounter moutons
munters nostrum rehomes remount smoothe smother sternum sunroom theorem thermes
thermos unmoors enthuse honours hunters mentors monster montero moonset moreens oestrum shunter someone temenos tonemes tremens
enmesh hetmen
humors menthe
mohurs months mouths musher rheums thrums homers methos
mother mounts mourns mouton munter mutons
neumes numero rehems rehome rhemes rumens shmeer
shroom smooth themes therme
therms unmeet unmoor estrum
humor mensh
mohur month mouth musth rheum shtum thrum hemes herms homer homes menus metho meths moths mount mourn muons muton neume neums
notum rehem rheme rumen theme therm unmet emeus enorm hunts mense mento
hums mush heme hems herm home menu mesh meth mhos mosh moth muns muon neum
ohms shmo
them emeu emus huns hunt meno mens meou mono mons moon morn motu moue mure muse must mute
hum hem hom meh mho mun ohm emu hun men mon mus mut nem
nom rum sum tum eme emo ems hen hon hue hut mer met moo mor mos mot noh nth ohu oms
hm mu um em me mo om uh eh he ho nu oh sh un en ne no on ou us ut ee eo er es et oe oo or os re so te to
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