hexylresorcinol is playable for 32 points
rhinoceros recolonise resorcinol
excelsior exocrines
exorciser chenilles
chiseller chlorines
holocrine schlieren sincerely coinheres
enrichers ensorcell isochrone coloniser recliners scoreline recoilers shoreline enrollers heronries reenrolls
lexicons exocrine exorcise lynchers cheerily cheesily chenille choosily hyoscine chillers chlorine chlorins cholines
colliery cornhole echelons helicons schiller ceorlish
chiseler chorines chorions cohesion coinhere colleens colonels enricher enriches enscroll
inscroll isochron rechosen reschool
lexicon xylenes helixes hexones
lychnis lyncher lynches schelly cheerly chyrons lechery lychees synchro chiller chlorin choline choosey closely cornily echelon elenchi
helicon lichens cholers chorine chorion clerisy colleen collins colonel coolish helices hellery
henleys hornily
hexyls excels exonic lynxes scolex xylene xylols excise hexone onyxes sexily syrinx xylose chilly hexers
hexose oryxes oxeyes chyles chyron exiles exines hyenic
lychee nixers oxisol richly cheery cheesy cherry chills choosy colony coolly
cylix hexyl excel xylol coxes execs helix xeric hexer
hexes lynch oxeye chyle exile exine exons lexes lexis loxes
nixer nixes senex
silex synch chill colly ochry oxers rexes sexer sixer yechs
chiel chile chine
lynx exec nixy onyx oxic oryx sexy exon ilex nixe oxen exes oxer oxes yech chin chon cloy coly cony inch lech lich loch sync cell chis choi
cill clon
coho cory cosh cosy coys
cox hex oxy lex lox nix oxo rex sex six sox xes
xis chi coy cry hic hoc
ich icy och cel col con hey hoy shy yeh cee cis coo cor cos eco hen
ex ox xi eh he hi ho oh oy sh ye yi yo el en in li lo ne no on ee eo er es io is oe oi oo or os re si so
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