historicize is playable for 25 points
christie historic orchitis
scherzi scherzo coziest zithers zoisite cithers coheirs hectors heroics itchier ostrich richest rochets
rotches tochers torches troches
eristic erotics soritic
heriots hoister shortie
schizo cozier cozies crozes zeroth zither ritzes
seizor sizier
zoster cherts chiros choirs chores cither coheir cosher ethics hector heroic ichors
itches ochers ochres orchis orcish rhotic riches rochet rotche shicer thoric thrice tiches tocher
cozie croze hertz sizer tizes
zeros zitis
zoris zorse chert chest chiro chits choir chore chose echos ethic ichor ocher oches
ochre retch riche roche rotch stich techs torch ceros
cesti cires
citer cites
chez zoic zhos
ritz sitz
size zero zest ziti zits zori chis chit choi
cosh echo echt etch ichs itch oche rich sich tech tich cero cire cist cite coir core cost cote cots crit
coz zho sez soz tiz
zit chi hic hoc
ich och tch cis cor cos cot eco ice orc rec roc sec sic soc tic eth her hes
het hie his hit hoe hoi
eh he hi ho oh sh eo er es et io is it oe oi or os re si so te ti to
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