horseplay is playable for 17 points
Unscramble HORSEPLAY
shapely sharply spyhole phoresy ephoral leprosy parleys parsley plasher
players pyrolas
replays sparely spheral paroles reposal shoaler
phylae phylar
plashy poshly ephyra sharpy
sphery sypher alephs parley pearly pholas player plyers pyrola
ralphs replay ephors hopers hoyles
osprey payers payors pharos phaser phasor phrase posher raphes rashly repays seraph shaley shaper sherpa
haply phyla phyle sylph harpy hyper hypes hypos sophy aleph helps palsy plash plays ploys plyer poley polys ralph reply shlep slype splay yelps apery ephas ephor harps heaps herps holey hoper hopes hoyle hylas
hype hypo hyps help holp paly play ploy poly yelp epha espy haps harp hasp heap heps herp holy hope hops hyla opah pash pays pehs
phos posh posy pray prey pyas pyes pyre pyro
hyp ply hap hep hop pah pay peh pho poh pry pya pye spy yap yep alp hay hey hoy lap lop pal pol shy yah yeh ape asp lah lay ley lye ope ops
op pa pe po ah ay eh ha he ho oh oy sh ya ye yo al el la lo ae ar as eo er es oe or os re so
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