hyperacid is playable for 20 points
Unscramble HYPERACID
eparchy preachy chirped edaphic parched diarchy peracid chaired raphide hayride hydriae
chirpy chypre cypher peachy ceriph cipher eparch hydric iechyd
piracy preach pricey carped craped ephyra percid priced redcap arched chadri chared chider drapey dreich driech
echard harped herdic pacier prayed achier cahier hydrae hydria cardie
chape cheap chirp crapy crepy hyped pacey parch peach perch pricy pyric achey
caped chary harpy hyper paced ached acidy aphid caper capri cardy carpe
carpi chard chide crape cripe cyder decay decry dicey pacer
caph chap chip pacy pech pyic
achy chay hype yech cape carp chad chid crap epic pace pica pice ache arch chai char chia each epha harp heap herp pray prey pyre racy rich yipe
hyp cap cep pac pec pic ach cay cha chi cry hac hap hep hic hip ich icy pah pay peh phi pry pya pye yap yep yip cad dap dip hay hey pad ped
pa pe pi ah ay eh ha he hi ya ye yi ad da de ed id ae ai ar er re
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