hypercritical is playable for 27 points
preachily accipiter practicer chirality pearlitic criterial irreality
caprylic cephalic catchily chapelry chirpily hecticly
patchily phyletic pitchily ecliptic acetylic
calypter hectical
parhelic practice pyelitic
tricycle apyretic carritch
catchier chapiter chirpier helicity parritch
patchier phratric
phreatic pitchier rachitic critical particle perlitic prelatic triarchy literacy
capiche cheaply cryptic peccary circlip eparchy preachy pyrrhic acrylic caliche caprice chalice chaplet cryptal ectypal practic prelacy typical aphetic catcher chapter charily charley chirper cicheti
ethylic hepatic itchily lecythi
patcher pitcher pithily pyretic pyritic repatch
chicly cyphel
catchy chirpy chypre cypher patchy peachy pitchy accept caliph capric chapel chicle cicely cliche clypei cycler icecap ipecac pectic picric pleach yclept archly atypic cachet ceriph chicer cipher cratch eparch haptic hectic
piccy yecch clach
cycle leccy cache catch chape chapt cheap chirp chyle crapy crepy crypt haply pacey parch patch peach perch phyla phyle pichi
pitch pricy pyric typic achey
cecal chary clapt clept clipt
caph chap chic chip pacy pech pyic
achy chay clap clip hype yech acyl cape carp ceca chal
clay crap epic help lacy lech lich pace pact paly pica pice pily play yelp ache arch
hyp cap cep pac pec pic ply ach cay cha chi cry hac hap hep hic hip ich icy pah pay peh phi pht pry pya pye tch yap yep yip alp cel hay hey
pa pe pi ah ay eh ha he hi ya ye yi al el la li ae ai ar at er et it re ta te ti
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