hypotensive is playable for 23 points
hypnotise neophytes eyepoints
neophyte yeshivot venosity eyepoint neotypes phoniest potheens
peevish pensive phoneys phytons pythons typhons
vespine seventh seventy typhose
neotype phonies potheen thieves thinspo ethynes
eyespot heptose honesty isotype ophites peyotes tensive eyeshot isohyet openest pentose peonies pintoes pointes
poteens ethions
histone poetise
phoney phyton python syphon theyve
typhon envoys physio pivots phones pointy siphon sphene thieve envies envois ethyne events honeys invest nieves ophite ovines peyote pithos
shinty tepoys
venose ventis evites
instep netops
phony envoy hypes hypos pithy pivot sophy veeps veiny vinho hives peony phone phons piney pyins
shive shove spiny envie envoi evens event honey hopes hyson neves
nieve ovens ovine pesty phots piety piths poesy
envy hype hypo hyps spiv veep viny hive hove phon piny pony pyin shiv tivy espy even heps hips hope hops neve nevi oven pehs
phis phos phot pish pith pity posh posy pyes ship
hyp vip ivy vey
hep hip hop peh phi pho pht poh pye spy vin von yep yip eve hey hoy nip pen pin sev
shy thy vee vet vie vis voe yeh hen hin
op pe pi po eh he hi ho oh oy sh ye yi yo en in ne no on ee eo es et io is it oe oi os si so te ti to
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