impersonate is playable for 18 points
permeation premoisten
protamines treponemas
orpiments pentamers protamine protamins
ptomaines spearmint treponema peristome temporise antimeres aperients
entropies episterna interpose isopteran
moistener patronise peritonea personate pistareen remoisten
sparteine osmeteria periostea
epimeron maintops manropes nepotism orpiment pentamer permeant personam
peterman pimentos pomarine prenames promines
protamin ptomaine ptomains
rampions spearmen spermine tampions timespan atropism emptiers epistome epitomes imposter meropias moperies
primates promisee reimpose stompier temperas
emptins impones
maintop manrope mopanes mopanis
peonism pimento pitmans
postman postmen prename promine ptomain
rampion tampion tampons timpano amperes armpits empires emporia emprise emptier empties emptors
epimera epimers episome epitome imparts impaste impasto imports imposer
apemen impone mispen
mopane mopani
pieman piemen pitman pitmen potman potmen preman
tampon topman topmen ampere armpit empire emptor
epimer impart import impose impost impros metepa metope mopers mopier optima optime permit porism premie
impro meeps
moper mopes perms pimas
poems pomas
pomes prams prima prime primo prims
prism proem proms ramps remap romps sperm stamp stomp tamps tempi tempo temps tramp tromp amens ament amine amino amins
amps imps maps meep mope mops pams perm pima poem poma
pome poms pram prim prom ramp romp samp simp spam tamp temp amen amin
main mane mano mans mean mein
meno mens mien mina
amp imp map mop pam pom man men mon nam nap nem
nim nip nom pan pen pin aim ami ape apt arm asp eme emo ems ism mae mai mar mas mat mea
am em ma me mi mo om op pa pe pi po an en in na ne no on ae ai ar as at ee eo er es et io is it oe oi or
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