inapposite is playable for 17 points
antipope appoints nappiest nippiest apposite saponite
appoint nappies nippies
pinesap pinspot
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pintoes pointes
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spinate teopans
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inosite isatine
nappes nappie pepino pepsin petnap pitpan appose papist pepita pipets pipits popsie
potpie sippet toppie instep netops
opines paeons paints pantie pantos patens patine patins
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pintos piston pitons pointe
ippon nappe pepos pipas
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opens opine opsin paeon pains paint panes panto pants paten patin peans peins
penis peons piani
piano pians
apps appt paps pepo peps pipa pipe pipi pips pope pops nape naps neap nipa nips nope open pain pane pani
pans pant pean pein pens pent peon pian pina
pine pins pint pion pone
app pap pep pip pop nap nip pan pen pin ape apt asp ope ops opt pas pat pea pes pet pia pie pis pit poi pos pot psi sap sip sop spa tap tip
op pa pe pi po an en in na ne no on ae ai as at eo es et io is it oe oi os si so ta te ti to
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