intelligentsia is playable for 20 points
intelligent genialities
gentilities linealities
installing instilling tinselling eglantines lentigines teaselling gelatinise legalities tetanising
intestinal sentential antielites
lilangeni eglantine enlisting entailing entangles entitling gantlines inelegant inletting
listening tinseling anglesite antigenes gainliest
gelatines gestalten
insetting instating legislate litigants tangliest
teaseling tingliest agilities instigate litigates tenailles
antielite inanities intestine satellite sententia
snelling aliening eanlings enisling
entangle galleins
gantline gellants
gillnets latening
leanings leniting nestling nettling nigellas slanting snailing
stalling stilling antigene antigens ensilage galenite galilees gantlets gelatine gelatins genitals gentians gentiles gentlest ginniest
nilling alining aneling eanling gallein gellant
gillnet ginnels leangle
leaning lensing lignins lilting linings linsang nailing nigella selling telling tilling alleges anteing antigen antings
atingle elating elegant engines galilee gallets
gallies gannets gantlet gelants
ginnel lignin lining ailing algins aligns allege angels angles anting engine ensign gallet gannet gelant
genial gentil
gentle gillie gleans glints ingles isling
lasing legals
linage lingas
nilgai saning
signal single tangle tiling
algin align angel angle galls genal gills glans glean glens glial glint ingle legal liang ligan linga lings slang sling agene agent agile aglee aglet angst eagle gains gales galis
geans gelts genae
genes genet
gall gill glen lang ling agin egal engs gaen gain gale gali
gals gane gean gels gelt gena gene gens gent gien gilt gins glee glia gnat lags legs ligs
linn nags nill sang sign
eng gal gan gel gen gin lag leg lig nag age all ell gae gas gat gee get gie gis git ill inn lin nan nil sag tag teg tig ail ain ale als alt
ag gi al an el en in la li na ne ae ai as at ee es et is it si ta te ti
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