interlace is playable for 14 points
Unscramble INTERLACE
careline clarinet reliance centiare creatine increate iterance elaterin entailer
carline centile central cleaner lectern licente
reclean recline article centare ceratin
certain creatin crenate enteric enticer recital reenact reticle tacrine tiercel treacle aliener enteral eternal latrine lineate ratline reliant retinal teleran trenail arenite atelier etailer
cantle carlin catlin
cental client crenel enlace inlace lancer lancet lectin lentic tincal acetin alerce atelic canter careen carnet carnie cartel ceiler
center centra centre cereal cetane citral claret cretin eclair enatic entice lacier nectar
clean cline clint lance linac actin antic cairn caner canti
carle carne
clair clart clear cleat crane creel eclat elect enact ictal ileac lacer licet
nacre naric
nicer niece rance relic telic tical areic artic
clan acne alec cain cane cant carl carn ceil celt cent cine cirl cran inca lace laic lice narc nice talc acer acre care cart cate cere cete cire cite crit etic race rice tace
can cel lac ace act arc car cat cee ice rec tic lin nil ail ain ale alt ane ani ant eel ern lar lat lea lee lei let lie lit nae nai
nee net
al an el en in la li na ne ae ai ar at ee er et it re ta te ti
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