interlock is playable for 18 points
Unscramble INTERLOCK
clinker crinkle kenotic ketonic tickler trickle tinkler lection cointer
cortile noticer retinol
nickel nickle conker licker locker locket nicker reckon relock rickle tickle rocket ticker linker relink tinkle cineol client cloner cornel enolic kilter kirtle lectin lentic reknit tinker citole citron coiler coiner colter cornet cortin
clink clonk clerk cronk ickle icker ocker trick trock
inkle knelt liken cline clint clone colin eikon enoki inker ketol koine krone liker nicol reink
token cento ceorl conte crone kiter
lotic nicer
conk lick lock neck nick nock coke cork oick
reck rick rock tick kiln link clon
ikon kelt keno kent kern kilo kilt kine kino kirn
knit knot koel like nerk
nork oink rink tonk
ick elk ilk ink ken kin lek nek
cel col con erk irk kir kit koi kor oik oke cor cot eco ice orc rec roc tic lin nil eon ern ion lei let lie
ki ok el en in li lo ne no on eo er et io it oe oi or re te ti to
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