jointress is playable for 19 points
Unscramble JOINTRESS
joiners jointer rejoins estrins
inserts instore nestors
nosiest oestrin
orients seniors sinters sonsier
stoners stonier tensors restios
rosiest sorites sorties stories trioses
joiner joints rejoin joists josser enosis eosins essoin estrin
inerts insert insets inters intros irones
nestor niters
noesis noises norite nosier nosies
onsets onsite orient ossein resins rinses rosins senior senors
jeton joins joint jones jests joist jorts eosin inert inros
inset inter intro irone
irons neist nerts nests niter nites nitre nitro noire
noirs noise noris
noses noter notes oners onset ornis reins rents resin
jeon jins join jess jest jets joes joie
joss jots eons erns inro into ions iron isnt nero
ness nest nets nite nits noes noir nori nors nose note nots oner ones rein rent rins
jin jet jit joe jot tej ens eon ern ins ion net nit nor nos not one ons rin sen sin son ten tin ton ers ess ire ist its oer
oes ore ors
je jo en in ne no on eo er es et io is it oe oi or os re si so te ti to
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