leastwise is playable for 13 points
Unscramble LEASTWISE
aweless lewises weasels witless listees
salties teasels telesis tieless easiest
awless swails
swales walies
weasel seesaw sweats sweets tawses waists wastes wisest aisles easels elates elites islets istles lassie leases leasts
saltie slates sleets sliest stales steals steels stelae stelai steles stiles tassel
lewis lweis slaws slews swail
swale wails wales walis weals welts wiles wilts stews swats sweat sweet swies
tawse twaes
waist waits waste wasts
weest weets wests
wetas wises wists wites aisle alist easel
awls laws lwei slaw slew wail wale wali weal weel wels welt wile wilt awee
awes ewes saws sews staw stew swat taws tews
twas twee waes
wait wast wats weei
wees weet west
awl law awe ewe saw sew taw tew twa wae was wat wee wei
wet wis wit ail ale als alt eel els las lat lea lee lei let lie lis
lit sal sel
aw ew we al el la li ae ai as at ee es et is it si ta te ti
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