longitude is playable for 15 points
Unscramble LONGITUDE
dueling eluding indulge lounged douting eluting glenoid glinted glouted guilted louting tingled tongued diluent ingoted
lentigo unoiled elution lentoid lineout
outline toluide
gulden lunged dingle doling dongle engild englut gluten golden guidon guiled longed longue
lounge luting diglot doting dugite eloign gentil
glutei gunite indult legion louden lunted
nidget nodule outing tiglon tinged tingle toling
tonged tongue
glued gluon guild gundi luged lunge lungi nudge deign dinge dingo doing gelid glide glint glout glute guide guile guilt gulet ingle legno
lingo lodge login longe ogled ungot unled dogie donut geoid gilet godet
dung lung degu ding dong geld genu gild glen glue glut gold gude
guid iglu
ling long luge tung ugli doge duel dune dunt gelt gent gied gien gilt gone gout lend leud loge loud
dug gnu gul gun lug dig dog dun eng ged gel gen gid gin god gut leg lig log lud
nog tug und del den din dol don due dui duo ego eld end geo
gi go nu un de do ed el en id in li lo ne no od on ou ut eo et io it oe oi te ti to
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