lycanthrope is playable for 23 points
chapelry cephalon planchet calotype calthrop
calypter canephor
carphone cenotaph chaperon enthalpy pentarch
conepatl plectron
patronly pectoral portance anchoret chelator chlorate enactory
plethora trochlea anothery
cheaply charpoy eparchy planche preachy chaplet cryptal ectypal encrypt epochal halcyon lyncher lynchet panoche
patency potency potlach
prelacy chantey chantry chapter charley hyperon hyponea
patcher phytane poacher repatch tachyon alphorn aplenty atrophy caltrop chalone charnel
chypre cypher patchy peachy planch plench
poachy canopy chapel pechan
phenyl phylon pleach poncey yclept aphony archly carhop chanty cheapo chyron coprah
crypto eparch hepcat heptyl leachy notchy phoney phylae phylar
phytol phyton
lynch poncy chape chapt cheap chyle crapy crepy crypt epoch haply pacey parch patch peach perch phony phyla phyle poach porch potch achey
capon chary clapt clept copal copen
harpy hyper ochry pecan place
caph chap chop copy pacy pech achy capn
chay clap clop hype hypo yech acyl cape capo carp chal
chon clay cloy coly cony cope crap crop cyan help holp lacy lech loch nach
hyp cap cep cop pac pec ply ach cay cha coy cry hac hap hep hoc
hop och pah pay peh pho pht poh pry pya pye tch yap yep alp can cel col con
op pa pe po ah ay eh ha he ho oh oy ya ye yo al an el en la lo na ne no on ae ar at eo er et oe or re ta
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