maleficent is playable for 21 points
filament filename macilent metafile melanite
malefic clement cnemial enflame feminal inflame inflect liftman liftmen melanic cementa
centime climate faience fiancee metical nematic ailment aliment centile inflate licente
etamine matinee lineate
flamen anemic camlet cement cinema enface facile famine fecial female fiance iceman icemen infect maleic malice mantic menace emetic facete cantle catlin
cental client enamel enlace feline finale inlace lament lancet lectin lentic maline mantel
mafic amnic
calif camel claim cleft clift clime fecal fence finca flame fleam macle malic manic melic mince amice facet facie
metic clean cline clint elfin final flint lance leman liman limen linac actin
calf calm clam clef film flam flic acme cafe came cami emic face fact fame feme fice mace mica mice clan flan limn acne alec alef alif alme amen amin
cain cane cant ceil celt
cam emf fem mac mic can cel elf elm fan fen fil fin lac lam man mel men mil nam nef nem
nim ace act aft aim ami cat cee eft eme fat fee fet
am ef em fa fe fi if ma me mi al an el en in la li na ne ae ai at ee et it ta te ti
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