malnourished is playable for 21 points
admonisher harmonised rhodamines normalised
homelands humanised humanoids mishandle muishonde
handsomer housemaid mindshare rhodamine rhodamins harmonies harmonise lemuroids meandrous melanoids
muraenids nursemaid semilunar unrealism almonries hardlines
hodiernal inhaulers moralised normalise nourished randomise romanised eurolands
laundries undersoil unloaders
homeland humanoid mudholes muishond unharmed unmodish
unshamed admonish demolish drumlins halidome
halidoms hamulose handsome haulmier
hedonism herdsman homeruns
houseman humanise humerals
humidors inhumers
madhouse manholes monished muslined rheniums
rhodamin rhodiums
unimodal alumines
armholes duramens
inhumed mudhole numdahs
unhelms dishelm drumlin halidom hardmen heliums herdman homerun
humeral humidor humoral humored inhumer
inhumes lamedhs
manhole maudlin mehndis
rhamnus rhenium rhodium unmolds almonds almudes alodium alumine alumins
armhole dirhams dolmans
unhelm ainhum
hamuli haulms helium hodman hodmen humane humans inhume lamedh mehndi mulish munshi mushed unmesh
unmold almehs almond almude almuds
alumni ashmen
dirham dolman dolmen dolmus dunams haemin hamels
hamsin hansom harmed
haulm hilum human humid almeh almud
dunam halms
helms hemal hemin holme holms homed humor linum lumen manul maund mensh
mohel mohur mould mound muled
rheum umrah admen admin alums amend damns demon demur
halm helm holm hums mush ahem alum damn doum drum duma haem hame hams harm hemi hems herm homa
home limn luma lums mash maud maul maun meld mend menu mesh mhos mild mind mold
hum dum ham hem him hom lum meh mho mud mun ohm amu dam dhu
dim dom duh elm emu hun imu lam mad man med mel men mid mil mod mol mon mus nam
hm mu um am em ma me mi mo om uh ah eh ha he hi ho nu oh sh un ad al an da de do ed el en id in la li lo
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