mentholated is playable for 19 points
homeland anthemed hotelman
methanol thanedom lamented lemonade mathlete enhaloed mantelet nematode anethole headnote matelote telethon talented detonate
headmen manhole menthol leadmen mantled methane methode
demeton lomenta mantlet metaled mettled mottled omental telamon teleman
anethol ethanol lethean loathed matelot tomenta athlete latened
nettled taloned dentate ladette notated notelet toadlet totaled
helmed hodman hodmen lamedh almond anthem dolman dolmen hamlet helmet hetman hetmen
method oldman oldmen themed amende daemon demean dement enamel handle holden hondle lament loamed loment malted mantel mantle melena melted melton mental
almeh hamel
hemal holme homed mohel month admen amend demon dolma domal emend lamed leman lemon mahoe maned medal melon menad metho modal model monad monal monde named nomad theme adeem ahold ament amole dhole
halm helm holm ahem damn haem hame heme homa
home math meld mend meth mold moth them alme amen dahl dame deem deme demo dhal dhol dome hand held hold lame loam made mado
ham hem hom meh mho ohm dam dom elm lam mad man med mel men mod mol mon nam nem
nom olm dah doh edh eme emo had hed hen hod hon lah mae mat
hm am em ma me mo om ah eh ha he ho oh ad al an da de do ed el en la lo na ne no od on ae at ee eo et oe
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