merchandise is playable for 21 points
mechanised mechaniser
achimenes chimeneas demarches
mechanise menarches schmeared medicares
mindshare racemised
cashiered ardencies deracines
machined chairmen chedarim
chimenea demarche discharm
machines menarche smirched cashmere chimeras chimeres endemics endermic machrees
marchese marchesi
carmines cremains drenches echidnae echidnas encashed enchased enriched headsmen herdsman herdsmen inarched inmeshed
medicare menacers nichered
richened screamed
charmed chasmed chirmed dharmic drachms machine manches marched marchen schemed chamise charism chemise chimars
chimera chimere chimers chrisma
endemic machers machree marches menaced mesarch mirches
schemer schemie schmear schmeer
amerced amnesic carmine chained cinemas creamed
chemin chimed drachm manche mensch miched
charms chiasm chimar chimer chimes chirms chrism haemic macher maches
minced sachem samech
schema scheme simcha
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maced manic medic mince ached acmes amice cames camis chads chain chard chide china chine chins crams cream crema creme crime
cham mach acme came cami cams chad chid chin cram crim emic inch mace macs marc mica mice mics nach
scam ache ahem arch cash chai char chia chis damn each eche haem hame hams
cam mac mic ach cha chi hac ham hem hic him ich meh cad can dam dim mad man med men mid nam nem
nim ace aim ami arc arm car cee cis dah edh
hm am em ma me mi ah eh ha he hi sh ad an da de ed en id in na ne ae ai ar as ee er es is re si
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