midsection is playable for 18 points
centimos demotics
dioecism domestic minciest
miscited monistic nomistic
comities semiotic decision demonist dictions
dominies iconised
editions sedition
demonic centimo demotic disomic incomes medicos menisci mesonic miscode
tonemic meiotic miotics miscite somitic codeins
ctenoid deontic diction docents domines
dominie emodins
endmost identic incised incited indices indicts mindset misdone mistend
noticed secondi
minced income medico medics minces socmen comets metics miotic sitcom codein
coined demons denims docent domine emodin indict minted mondes
monied second centos citied coedit conies contes
cosied cosine costed demist demits dicots edicts
medic mince monic comes comet comte mesic metic osmic coden
coned demon denim mends mindi
minds mined monde scend cedis cento cents cines
cions cited codes coeds coins cones conte coted decos
deism demit
come emic mice mics mocs mend mind cedi cent cine cion code cods
coed coin cone coni
cons deco demo dice diem
dime dims disc docs dome doms iced icon idem imid meds mein
mic moc cod con dim doc dom med men mid mod mon nem
nim nom cis cos cot eco emo ems ice ism met mis moi mos mot oms sec sic sim soc som tem
em me mi mo om de do ed en id in ne no od on eo es et io is it oe oi os si so te ti to
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