millionaire is playable for 17 points
milliner milliare
liminal manille milline million almoner manlier marline millier mineral monilia
railmen amorini
loamier moanier
moraine ramilie
romaine llanero ralline aileron airline alienor
almner limina
limner lomein
maline mallei marlin menial merlin merlon miller moline mollie monial normal oilman oilmen airmen anomie enamor limier
mailer manoir marine merino minora
moaner moiler
morale morine
remail remain enroll lienal lineal
leman lemon liman limen maill
melon mille
molal monal amine amino amnio amole anime animi
email enorm imine imino inarm
lamer maile maleo manie
manor miler milia minae miner minor mirin molar monie moral moran
limn mall mell mill moll alme amen amin
lame lima lime limo loam mail main male mali mane mano marl meal mean mein
mela meno merl mien mile milo mina mine mini moan moil
elm lam man mel men mil mol mon nam nem
nim nom olm aim ami arm emo mae mai mar mea
mer mir moa moi mor ram rem rim rom all ell ill lin nil
am em ma me mi mo om al an el en in la li lo na ne no on ae ai ar eo er io oe oi or re
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